Labels:book | daily | poster | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: C.HC D. RACKUFI XN Miul BACKIIP 1> YNVN files backuy backup An TCCOYUI SYNUPSIS backup recovor uprin fI tile rnion busk tls progaams Leir when DIC poios with option &uch BC ves AiES Kq AILL tance shoulg shoula te be fuII batkr EAT at it Kegular trice gness 1 begin LEILA onrionr DT gethe 1: stay GTC orctha he dir aireu T l5 cotzir ins nuI1 iistof ranmcs rccursivaly AA gny sutiircc ic An TiN Dela Fi+placc. the pTf the ficnama ruincl v+th nOI output Origiral I'he namts hac kup DUPY itames ilevIc. FL the anothar Mnchine: CTM dcviac uupes. jukeboa. nurncric devicr CTTmiTI Apnd T c output namc fOT where increasing This usefui for uiultiple opics of the diagnostic sk ba=l yn nexd nourt VYRM disk hackuZ" the lahc] archcs TOT up thit rFe th, lir looks like 5 the fnamC caicrtueu the tine of the TH:I ...